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Cloth Diapers FAQ

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We get it, cloth diapering can be overwhelming. Below you can find our FAQ for your reference:


What are cloth diapers?

Cloth diapers are reusable diapers with a waterproof shell and are typically stuffed with an absorbent fabric, such as cotton, hemp, bamboo, and microfiber. These are called inserts. Inserts are what aid with absorbency. Most cloth diapers allow for the flexibility of adding or removing absorbency, depending on the child’s needs.

Are cloth diapers worth the hype?

As cloth diapering mom, they are 100% worth the hype! Due to medical reasons, we had to make the switch the disposables for a month and my wallet definitely hurt! Using cloth diapers spoils us into forgetting the high cost of disposable diapers.

I’m so overwhelmed with all different types of cloth diapers. Which do I choose?

I get it, I was overwhelmed too, which is what inspired me to create this page! To be frank, you choose which cloth diapers to use depending on a couple of things, such as: budget, brand loyalty, preference, absorbency, convenience.

I always recommend starting with pocket diapers. Pocket diapers can be cheap and are most similar to disposable diapers – they are “single use.” But instead of throwing it away, you throw it in the wet bag to wash and reuse.

How many cloth diapers do I need?

This is also a personal choice. The answer to this question depends on the age of your child and how often you will be doing laundry. I began cloth diapering when my daughter was 3 months old and could fit the one-size cloth diapers. We started with a stash of 25 cloth diapers. We have kept that same stash of cloth diapers and do laundry every 3 days. 25 cloth diapers for a newborn would be about 2 days-worth, and therefore require laundry more often.

If you want to do laundry less often, you’d need more diapers (5-8 per day). If you want to do laundry more often, you’d need less diapers (5-8 per day).

Do I need to buy newborn-sized cloth diapers? Is it worth it?

Yes and no. If your family is known to give birth the bigger babies (8-9lbs+), then it may not be worthwhile to purchase newborn-sized cloth diapers. We gave birth to a 9 lb baby and by the time she was 2-3 months, she was ready for the one-sized cloth diapers that range from 10 lbs-25 lbs.

For babies born 5-7lbs, it would be worth getting newborn-sized cloth diapers. This is because newborn-sized cloth diapers can go up to 12 lbs, which means that they could last you months before you need to upgrade to bigger cloth diapers.

Where can I buy cloth diapers?

Cloth diapers are mostly found via online stores. Unfortunately, cloth diapers are not available in big box stores (yet). Popular cloth diaper brands are Grovia, Nora’s Nursery, Charlie Banana, and Alva.

Should I buy preloved diapers? Or should I buy new diapers?

This is a personal decision. This decision can be based on budget and how comfortable you are with used diapers. Preloved cloth diapers can be up to 80% off retail price. You can either strip and sanitize them before using them to be safe and get rid of possible build up.

Is it too late to start cloth diapering?

No. You can begin your cloth diapering journey at whatever age your child is. You and your family can still join the benefits of cloth diapers even if you don’t start since since your child was born.

Can I potty train and use cloth diapers?

Yes. Cloth diapers are recommended for potty training because when worn, your child can feel when their diaper is wet, as opposed to disposable diapers.

I am having my second child in a couple years. How do I store my cloth diapers for my second baby?

Cloth diapers need to be store in a place well ventilated place. This means that you cannot store your cloth diapers in a storage bin, plastic bag, or box. You can poke holes on the cardboard box and store your diapers.

How often should I do diaper changes when cloth diapering?

Cloth diapers don’t have the yellow/blue line you can find in disposable diapers letting you know it’s time to change the diaper. Therefore, the rule of thumb is to change the diaper every 2-3 hours throughout the day.

Can I use diaper rash cream while cloth diapering?

Yes. You can use any diaper rash cream that does not contain zinc. This ingredient affects the cloth diaper’s absorbancy. Check out our list of Cloth Diaper-Friendly Rash Creams.

My cloth diapers look very bulky. Is this normal?

Yes. Cloth diapers are more bulky than traditional disposable diapers – maybe about twice as bulky.

Will cloth diapering stop my baby from crawling/walking?

Due to the bulkiness of cloth diapers as compared to disposable diapers, there is a common misconception that cloth diapers will stop or inhibit a child’s ability to move, such as crawling and walking. Cloth diapers still allow free movement. If there is no free movement, then the cloth diaper was put incorrectly. (On my personal experience, my daughter was walking by the time she was 9 months old and she was cloth diapered.)

I can’t find clothes that fit over the diapers. What type of clothes should I get?

Any clothing brand can fit your little one even if you cloth diaper. I recommend sizing up instead. But if you’d like, you can purchase U-shaped pants, which offer plenty space for your cloth bum. Bamboo clothes are also a good alternative due to their stretchy quality.

I want to cloth diaper overnight. I am scared of getting leaks and possibly waking my child up. How do I layer an overnight cloth diaper?

Throughout the day many use two inserts inside their pocket diaper. In this example, you’d use 3 inserts instead. Another popular choice is to use fitted diapers. If a fitted diaper doesn’t offer enough absorbency, you can add an extra insert as well.

We get leaks within an hour when we cloth diaper. What should I do?

There three main reasons why this can happen. One, your cloth diaper fit is incorrect and left gaps. Two, there’s no enough absorbency. Three, there could be compression leaks through the use of microfiber inserts. Go through this list one by one and evaluate what is causing the leaks.


Will I really save money by using cloth diapers?

Short answer: Yes, if you shop for your cloth diapers with the intention of keeping the budget low. Long answer: Cloth diapers are perfect for families on a tight budget. You can begin cloth diapering for less than $100, and those same diapers can last you multiple children. (Read more on Can I Save Money with Cloth Diapers? Actual Cloth Diapers Cost)

How can I cloth diaper if I don’t have much money?

Cloth diapering is perfect if you don’t have much money. You can begin cloth diapering for less than $100, and those same diapers can last you multiple children. (Read more on Can I Save Money with Cloth Diapers? Actual Cloth Diapers Cost.)


How do I wash off the poop?

In today’s age, cloth diapers have become adaptable for everyone to use! There’s different methods to washing off poop, such as: dunk and swish method, 5 gallon bucket and plunger, and a toilet sprayer. The toilet sprayer is one of the most common, popular, and convenience option parents choose.

I don’t want to touch poop. Can I still cloth diaper?

Yes. As a parent, it is inevitable to touch poop. But! we can certainly minimize the chance when rinsing poop off cloth diapers. Getting a toilet sprayer would be the best option for you. If you want to take it a step further, you can get the toilet spray in addition to cloth diaper liners. Cloth diaper liners are meant to catch the poop. During a diaper change, you simply dispose of it, and if used correctly, there should be no poop on the cloth diaper. But if there is, you have the toilet sprayer ready to help with that.

Do I need to spray off newborn poop?

Yes and no. Exclusively breastfed baby’s poop can go in the washer. While formula-fed baby’s poop needs to be sprayed off.

Can I put newborn poop cloth diapers in the washer?

Yes and no. Exclusively breastfed baby’s poop can go in the washer. While formula-fed baby’s poop needs to be sprayed off.

My baby is exclusively breastfed. Should I spray the poop off the diapers before washing?

No. Exclusively breastfed baby’s poop can go in the washer with no issues. It is preference if you choose to rinse the poopy diapers.

My baby is formula-fed. Should I spray the poop off the diapers before washing?

Yes. While this is debated by many, I recommend you spraying the poop off diapers before washing.

My baby is combo-fed. Should I spray the poop off the diapers before washing?

Yes. While this is debated by many, I recommend you spraying the poop off diapers of babies that are fed formula before washing.


How often do I need to wash the cloth diapers?

As often as you want and the amount of cloth diapers you have permits! If you have 25 diapers, you may have to wash every 3 days. If you have 40 cloth diapers, you may have to wash every 5 days. Though, waiting 5 days inbetween washes in not recommended due to the increased risk of mold growing on your diapers.

How can I find my cloth diaper wash routine?

You cloth diaper wash routine is very individual to your circumstances. This depends on your washer, type of water, laundry detergent, and how many cloth diapers you have.

Rule of thumb is: Prewash cycle with hot water and no detergent. Main wash cycle with your detergent of choice. And an Extra Rinse cycle with hot water.

How do I know what type of water I have?

Water hardness strips tell you what type of water you have. Water hardness can be tested on pH strips which can be purchased via Amazon or at your local pet store in the fish section.

I have hard water. How do I wash the cloth diapers?

If you have hard water, it is recommended to not have a prewash cycle. This minimizes the cloth diapers’ exposure to the minerals found in hard water.

I have soft water. How do I wash the cloth diapers?

If you have soft water, you will have a prewash cycle, main wash, and an extra rinse cycle. This all allows for the diapers to be thoroughly cleaned.

Which laundry detergent should I use?

Cloth diaper-friendly detergents are those without any add-ons, such as fabric softeners, added scents. Check out our list of cloth diaper-friendly detergents.

Where do I store dirty cloth diapers?

You can hang and store a your soiled diapers in a wet bag. The wet bag can be either open or closed, this depends on your preference. You also have the option of using a plastic hamper to allow ventilation.

I found mold in my cloth diapers. What should I do?

It depends. Depending on the severity of mold found, you can either strip and sanitize the diapers or, if severe, you may just have to throw it away.

When do I strip my cloth diapers?

When you buy preloved diapers, you notice a smell of ammonia despite being “clean,” or when you notice your diapers aren’t as absorbent.

How do I strip my cloth diapers?

You can either use your bathtub or the washer. Once your diapers are covered with water, you can add RLR laundry treatment to strip your diapers from bacteria and minerals. You can also bleach your diapers in the bathtub.

What is detergent build up? How do I know I know if my diapers have build up?

Detergent build up is when you use too much laundry detergent when washing your cloth diapers. Throughout each wash, the detergent keeps building in your cloth diapers. Most parents know they have detergent build up when the cloth diapers are causing their LO a diaper rash. This is then confirm via a swish test, where you get a glass bowl of clean water and swish one cloth diaper. If the water has any suds or is not clear, then you have detergent build up.

My washer broke. Can I hand wash the cloth diapers?

Yes. You can do the good old 5 gallon bucket and plunger method, as well as using your tub as an alternative.


How can I add cloth diapers to my baby registry?

You can list cloth diapers in pretty much every baby registry. Amazon only allows you to add their products to their baby registry, but despite that, Amazon does offer a pretty good selection of cloth diapers like Grovia, Nora’s Nursery, Charlie Banana, and Alva.

Target and Babylist allow you to link other websites to their baby registry. You can add your favorite brands into your Target or Babylist baby registry.

How can I get people to gift me cloth diapers for my baby shower?

A baby shower is a place where you can get creative in! You can do a traditional diaper raffle, but instead of disposables, ask for people to show up with just ONE cloth diaper (one single cloth diaper can cost between $10-20, depending on the brand). Another option is to only add cloth diapers in your baby registry and make a note in your invitation that your family with be using cloth diapers. You can further add that if they’d like to gift you something, you are open to them gifting you baby books instead.

People gifted me disposable diapers during my baby shower. I am cloth diapering. What should I do?

There’s multiple things you can do with gifted disposable diapers. (1) You can donate them to a women’s shelter; (2) Return them to either Target or Walmart and get store credit to purchase other baby items you may still need; (3) Trade them in for newborn sized diapers to use during the first month or two until your baby fits into one size cloth diapers; or (4) Keep them to use when leaving the house or to use as overnight diapers.

No one around me is on board me using cloth diapers. What can I do to convince them?

Nothing. You as the parent make the decisions for your child. So, unless those who make negative comments about you cloth diapering your child are the ones who will be washing the cloth diapers, then there is no need to convince them about something that doesn’t affect them.

If you could not find the answer to your question or concern, be sure to check out out Cloth Diapers 101 Masterlist for more thorough explanations!

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