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13 Tips and Books to Raise an Eco Friendly Toddler

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As our world faces pressing environmental challenges, it is crucial to start nurturing a generation that understands the significance of sustainable living from the very beginning. This means raising an eco friendly toddler.

By incorporating eco friendly practices into our daily routines and teaching our children about the importance of conservation, we can empower them to become responsible stewards of the planet.

In this article, we will delve into practical tips and strategies for raising an eco-conscious toddler, fostering a love for nature, and cultivating environmentally-friendly habits that will benefit both our children and the planet they will inherit.

What Does it Mean to be Eco Friendly?

Eco-Friendly Baby

Being eco friendly means adopting practices and making choices that are environmentally responsible and sustainable.

Eco friendly practices aim to reduce carbon footprint, waste generation, and pollution, while promoting the well-being of ecosystems and biodiversity.

To be eco friendly, individuals and organizations can engage in various activities such as conserving energy and water, reducing waste and recycling, using renewable resources, and adopting sustainable transportation methods.

This can include using energy-efficient appliances, installing solar panels, practicing water conservation, and composting organic waste.

This involves opting for products that are made from sustainable materials, supporting local and organic food sources, reducing single-use plastics, and choosing environmentally friendly modes of transportation.

It is a commitment to sustainable practices that promote a healthier environment for current and future generations.

Why Should Your Toddler Be Eco Friendly?

Eco-Friendly Baby

Raising an eco friendly toddler is beneficial for several reasons:

Firstly, it helps to protect the environment and conserve natural resources for future generations.

Secondly, an eco friendly lifestyle can have positive impacts on your toddler’s health.

Furthermore, embracing eco friendly practices can teach your toddler important values and habits from an early age.

By modeling sustainable behaviors, such as recycling, composting, and conserving water, you instill a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness in your child. These values can shape their attitudes and actions towards the environment as they grow older.

Lastly, being eco friendly can also save you money in the long run.

By opting for reusable products, such as cloth diapers and washable wipes, you reduce the need for single-use items and decrease your overall expenses. Additionally, energy-efficient appliances and practices can help lower your utility bills.

READ MORE: Different Types of Cloth Diapers Explained

It is a conscious choice that contributes to a more sustainable future for your child and the planet.

How Can You Do Your Part as a Parent to be Eco Friendly?

  1. Use cloth diapers instead of disposable ones to reduce waste.
  2. Choose organic and locally sourced food to support sustainable agriculture and reduce carbon footprint.
  3. Opt for natural and non-toxic products, such as organic skincare and cleaning products.
  4. Use reusable baby wipes or make your own using soft cloth wipes and natural solutions.
  5. Purchase second-hand or borrow clothes and toys to reduce consumption and waste.
  6. Use energy-efficient appliances and LED lights in the nursery to conserve energy.
  7. Install blackout curtains or shades to regulate temperature and reduce the need for excessive heating or cooling.
  8. Use eco friendly laundry detergents and wash clothes in cold water to save energy.
  9. Avoid single-use plastic items like bottles and utensils by opting for reusable and BPA-free alternatives.
  10. Teach your child about the importance of sustainability and environmental stewardship from an early age, instilling eco friendly habits and values.

Here are 13 Ways and Books to Raise an Eco Friendly Toddler:

1. Start with age-appropriate conversations:

Begin discussing the importance of sustainability and environmental stewardship with your child in simple terms that they can understand.

These conversations can begin and be introduced through readings, such as the through the book E is for Earth! An Eco-Friendly Alphabet.

2. Lead by example:

Be a role model for your child by practicing sustainable habits yourself, such as recycling, conserving energy, and reducing waste.

Children model our actions, you’ll be surprised at what they pick up!

3. Teach about recycling:

Explain the concept of recycling and show your child how to properly sort and dispose of recyclable materials.

Teaching them about recycling and then doing so at home can empower them to continue these habits through adulthood.

Furthermore, if your city doesn’t offer recycling pick-up, you can schedule a weekly/biweekly/monthly day to go with your child to the nearest recycling center.

You can use this book, Don’t Throw That Away!: A Lift-the-Flap Book about Recycling and Reusing, to go more in-depth about recycling.

4. Encourage conservation:

Teach your child about the importance of conserving resources like water and electricity, and involve them in activities like turning off lights when not in use or taking shorter showers.

5. Explore nature:

Spend time outdoors with your child, exploring nature and discussing the beauty and importance of the environment.

Did you know that breathing the air when going on a hike helps you develop a healthier gut bacteria? Yet another benefit of being out in nature with our children!

6. Plant a garden:

Involve your child in gardening activities, teaching them about the benefits of growing their own food and the importance of caring for plants and the soil.

The book Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt goes through the cycle of a plant, from seed to harvest. We have a vegetable garden at home and I am so excited for my daughter to get to an age where she can understand plants! Until then, we go through books talking about vegetable gardens and our fruits and veggies.

7. Reduce, reuse, and repurpose:

Teach your child about the three R’s – reducing waste, reusing items, and repurposing materials to minimize their environmental impact.

Read for the book Zero Waste Kids: Hands-On Projects and Activities to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to help your little one fully understand and refer to the three R’s.

8. Teach about wildlife conservation:

Discuss the importance of protecting wildlife and their habitats, and explore ways to support conservation efforts.

Learning about Jane Goodall is the perfect way to introduce your little one about wildlife conservation, and the many ways people can help protect wildlife. Through the book Little Naturalists: Jane Goodall Is a Friend to All, your little one can learn about Jane Goodall and all the good she has done for wildlife conservation.

9. Discuss climate change:

In age-appropriate terms, explain the concept of climate change and its impact on the environment, encouraging your child to take small actions to reduce their carbon footprint.

I Am Earth: An Earth Day Book for Kids teaches everything there is about the planet Earth, and that includes how we can take care of the planet and help with climate change.

10. Engage in Eco Friendly crafts:

Encourage your child to create art and crafts using recycled materials, fostering creativity while promoting sustainability.

In the book Lonely Planet Kids 101 Small Ways to Change the World, you and your child can find small projects using recycled materials for the overall betterment of the planet through the use of the three R’s.

Another book that will grow with your baby into toddlerhood is The Extraordinary Book That Eats Itself: Every Page Turns Into An Eco Project That Helps You Save The Planet. This book has activities everyday, such as making your own compost, and growing strawberries from home.

11. Participate in community clean-ups:

Get involved in local clean-up initiatives and involve your child in picking up litter, helping them understand the importance of keeping the environment clean.

12. Support sustainable products:

Involve your child in making conscious choices when purchasing products, opting for eco friendly and sustainable options whenever possible.

You can download the app Yuka on your phone to scan items before purchasing them to see if they are considered sustainable.

13. Volunteer for environmental organizations:

Engage in volunteer activities with your child, supporting organizations that work towards environmental conservation and sustainability. This will provide them with hands-on experiences and a sense of community involvement.

By reading The Everything Kids’ Environment Book: Learn how you can help the environment-by getting involved at school, at home, or at play, your little one will know what to expect when attending a local city clean-up, or any volunteering activity. The book on this topic helps normalize these activities and excite them to take part of something that is bigger than them for the betterment of both the city and planet.


Raising an eco friendly toddler is not only beneficial for the environment, but it also instills important values and habits in young children.

By teaching them about the importance of caring for the environment and modeling eco friendly behaviors, we can help create a more sustainable future for our planet.

Simple actions such as using cloth diapers, buying organic and locally sourced foods, and reducing waste can make a big difference in the long run.

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