Best Postpartum Care Package Ideas

This post is about all the essentials to include in your postpartum care package ideas.

One thing that I had not taken into consideration EVER in my life, until I was pregnant, was the after care of the mom after giving birth.

For that, I do feel guilty and apologetic for all the new moms in my life that I was unaware of their struggles postpartum. I was young and unaware of all the things pregnancy consisted of.

Now, as a mom, I look at expecting moms from a different point of view. I see them from a more compassionate and understanding lens. I know how hard pregnancy and motherhood can be, and therefore, if given a chance, I do wish and hope to make their life easier.

With you being here, you are already one step ahead of many people and are far more considerate than I was pre-children.

A postpartum care package is not only meant to provide mom physical relief, but also shows mom that you care about her and her wellbeing.

Best Postpartum Care Package Ideas

Whether you are looking to gift an expectant mom a baby shower gift or do not want to come empty handed when going to a new mom’s home to meet the baby, a postpartum care package is a great gift idea! (And one that is often overlooked.)

In this article, I will list items to include in a postpartum care package, as well as inspiration on how the postpartum care basket can look and be arranged.

Why Gift a New Mom a Postpartum Care Basket

A postpartum care basket is something that shows you care for the wellbeing of mom.

When I was pregnant, and still during my postpartum period, my life revolved around my daughter. Maybe it was just my experience, but I felt like I was no longer me. I was “mom.” And I was, but no one really checked in on me as they did for my daughter.

I was recovering from a very traumatic birth experience. I was also struggling with my breastfeeding journey, healing from birth, adjusting to life as a new mom, had no village, financially struggling, and developed sciatica postpartum so I was in great pain with every step I took.

With all these issues, I still took care of my daughter. So when people came to meet her, her needs were more than met, I was tending to her hand and foot, and in between all of that, I neglected myself.

I believe this is part of the reason many women struggle with postpartum depression. From one day to the next, their lives are no longer about them – it’s all about the baby.

As villages are getting smaller and smaller, women are being forced to navigate the postpartum period by themselves with no support.

And with you reading this, if you are thinking of gifting a new mom a postpartum care package, I thank you for being in that woman’s life and providing her with a gift that is about her and her wellbeing.

Best Postpartum Care Package Ideas

Postpartum Recovery Gift Basket

I love the thought of postpartum recovery gift basket. You can truly get creative with it and add little extra add-ons, such as mom’s favorite candy.

Items on this gift basket are items that mom will most likely have to buy herself. I encountered when making my baby registry that I did not feel comfortable adding all these items to the baby registry because I felt that no one would get them for me, and I felt embarrassed.

Consider including the following in the Postpartum Recovery Gift Basket:

*If you are including any lactation snacks, teas, or supplements, please make sure they do not include fenugreek. Fenugreek is commonly used in lactation supplements, but fenugreek has shown to decrease milk supply. Some women see milk increase when consuming fenugreek, but some women also experience milk decrease. With the chances being 50/50, I personally don’t think it’s worth the chance of losing milk supply. Opt for fenugreek-free lactation supplements.

RELATED: Best Lactation Supplements to Increase Milk Supply

Add-Ons to Include in the Postpartum Recovery Gift Basket

In addition to the recovery support items for mom for postpartum recovery, the following items are more so for mom to enjoy and make her life slightly more luxurious.



As mom gets more and more busy the bigger the baby gets, get mom a Leuchttrum1917 notebook. This journal was specifically designed for people who have many many things in their mind and need a system that helps them organize their many thoughts.

It was not until I used this journal, that I felt like I could properly organize my thoughts in a piece of paper. 10/10 recommend! (And while you’re at it, get one for yourself as well!)

Essential Oil Diffuser

A good essential oil diffuser for aromatherapy for a new mom creates the ambience of a spa at home. For the busy mom or the mom that doesn’t like leaving their newborn baby with others, getting her an essential oil diffuser helps her relax at home.

As a plus, baby will also benefit from this gift. Depending on which essential oil is used, they can help baby with congestion, sleep, and in many other ways.

Essential Oils

The gift of essential oils is a gift that just keep giving! Essential oils can be used with an essential oil diffuser, but they can also have so many other uses as well.

If mom uses wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets, you can sprinkle some essential oil drops into them so that the clothes come out smelling nice. Essential oils can also be used in homemade cleaning solutions as well as homemade baby wipes.

Comfy Slippers

Soft, fuzzy house slippers are an essential gift for the new moms because they are home often with the baby. I personally did not leave the house for about a month! With my healing, some complications, and snow outside, I stayed in my first month postpartum. House slippers became an everyday thing, specially during the winter!

Bamboo Pajama Set

Consider gifting the new mom in your life some comfy pajama sets. The Kyte Baby pajama sets are bamboo and guaranteed to be comfortable and the perfect loungewear!

Due to the stretchy material, these are perfect for every new mom because as you navigate postpartum and breastfeeding, women’s weight can fluctuate quite a bit.

Insulated Tea Infuser

As mom navigates postpartum, teas are a great way to aid in postpartum recovery. Considering gifting new mom an insulated tea infuser.

Read more on Fixing Hormonal Imbalance After Childbirth & Breastfeeding to learn more on what types of teas and why you’d want to include them in this gift to help mom recover postpartum.

Tummy Control Leggings

Tummy control leggings are a must for every new mom, regardless of whether they had vaginal birth or a c-section. As baby is no longer in the womb, the body’s job is now to recover and that includes restoring organs where they used to be. Many women claim to feel “loose” after childbirth. This is where tummy control leggings come in!

Postpartum Care Package Ideas

Use the following postpartum recovery baskets as inspiration as to what to include and how to organize the postpartum care package!







Best Postpartum Care Package Ideas

The beauty of these baskets is that they can be highly personalized to the interests and likes of mom. I know I personally love receiving gifts that are highly personalized and know that I will use them day after day!

If you are short for time to prepare mom a postpartum care package, head on to this post on Gifts for New Moms for Every Occasion to find the perfect gift for mom!

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