10+ Spring Garden Activities for Kids

This post is about 14 Spring Garden Activities for Kids.

Despite me living in deep South Texas, where winters get as cold as 50 degrees and summers as hot as 115 degrees, I am anxiously waiting time and time again for Spring to come!

Spring brings such beautiful weather where we just cannot not enjoy it.

With such beautiful weather, it also becomes to perfect time to begin outdoor spring gardening activities with kids.

Growing up I just loved being outside, I remember time and time again and oh how many times I tried, to grow my own vegetable plants. And I failed. Miserably.

I had no guidance and didn’t know anything about zones and what to plant and what soil to use. I just bought what I thought was best and tried it. (Take in mind that I was already like 20 years old around this time.)

Nonetheless, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. And I felt like I might as well try and see what comes of it.

Well… NOTHING came of it.

With no one around me with a green thumb, so I was blindly winging it. Because how hard can it be?

It definitely proved to be extremely hard for me back them.

I tell you this little personal story to hopefully inspire you to give your child/children the skills and knowledge needed to know about gardening.

Starting a whole vegetable garden that can sustain a family of four can be extremely overwhelming and, frankly, not doable, for the average parent.

But with the activities listed below, you can create memories with your little ones, teach them about gardening, give them skills they can take with them into adulthood, and knowledge they can use to develop a green thumb, should they want to.

What do Kids Learn from Spring Garden Activities?

Kids can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for nature and the environment by participating in gardening activities. By observing the growth and life cycle of plants, children can learn about the importance of sunlight, water, and soil in plant growth, as well as the interdependence of living organisms.

A garden also provides an opportunity for children to learn about responsibility and nurturing. They can take on tasks such as watering the plants, weeding, and ensuring proper care.

This hands-on experience teaches them about the importance of consistency, patience, and taking care of living things.

Furthermore, a garden can be a great way to introduce children to the concept of healthy eating and nutrition.

Additionally, a garden can spark curiosity and encourage children to ask questions about plants, gardening techniques, and the natural world. This can foster their critical thinking skills and promote a sense of wonder and exploration.

Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors Gardening

Spending time outdoors gardening provides an opportunity to engage in physical activity, which can contribute to improved fitness levels and overall well-being.

Gardening also allows individuals to connect with nature, which has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Additionally, gardening can enhance mental health by providing a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

10+ Spring Garden Activities for Kids

1. Create an Herb Garden

2. Start a Spring Garden With Your Kids

3. Create and Design Upcycled Pots

4. Grow Microgreens

5. Build and Paint a Garden Bed

6. Build a Fairy Garden

7. Build a Birdhouse

8. Begin a Compost Bin

9. Paint Rock Garden Markers

10. Choose, Buy, and Plant Starter Plants

11. Begin Indoor Seedlings

12. Flower Printing

13. Plant a Native Garden to Your Area

14. Repot Plants


The Spring garden activities mentioned above were carefully selected because I strongly believe that, as a gardener myself, will allow for kids to develop a love for gardening and learn important lessons about nature.

For example, planting a native garden is extremely beneficial to local pollinators.

So this specific gardening activity is not only about planting seeds in a designated area and watering it often. This gardening activity for kids teaches them about the local ecosystem that exists around us and how important these local colonies, insects, bugs, and animals are to the ecosystem.

Each of the Spring garden activities for kids was selected to create smaller, doable activities that kids can do so they don’t feel overwhelmed. But when you combine ALL the activities listed above, that’s the work an actual gardener does to care for the environment and to successfully grow their own plants.

Let me know down in the comments below which activity is your and your family’s favorite?

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